Urban Mediascape

"The cantilevering roof plate is a dominant component of the architectural expression; during the day and especially in the evening, when the transparent façade allows the building to glow from the inside."

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Urban Mediaspace

Europaplads, Århus, Denmark

Relationship between Architecture and Technology. Mies Van de Rohe

“...Architecture depends upon its time.
It is the crystallization of its inner structure,
the slow unfolding of its form.
That is the reason why technology and architecture are so closely related.
Our real hope is that they will grow together,
that some day the one will be the expression of the other.
Only then will we have an architecture worthy of its name:

architecture as a true symbol of our time

Mies van der Rohe
(March 27, 1886 – August 17, 1969)